Please note that the information you are viewing is 143 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


VisionFund Cambodia #20, Street 71, Sangkat Tonle Basac,Chamkar Morn DistrictPhnom PenhPO Box 479
Data approved: 2013-04-04
Data version: 3
Age of data: 143 months
Choose version


Education Loan - individual - USD Product 17 of 21 « Prev | Next »

Product Details

This product either has less than 50 active borrowers or less than 10 loan disbursements over the past 9 months. MFTransparency presents basic data rather than full data for low volume products
Key Statistics
Outstanding portfolio (USD)USD 4,174.08
Portfolio (USD)USD 4,174.08
Active Clients with Loans10
Approximate % Female Clients80% - 100%
Approximate % Urban Clients80% - 100%
Education Loan is a type of social product which is to be provided as financial support to any individual student who is from poor family , have good academic performance and have strong commitment to attain higher education or technical skill.
Loan Purpose
Any purpose
Income generation
Consumer loan
Other household finance
Other (2)
Must run a business
Must own a home or land
Must be a salaried worker
Must be specific age groupx
Other (2)
# Borrowers by Product
Portfolio Size by Product
Geographic Coverage
# Regions for this institution20
# Regions for this productN/A
Regions Active
Please note that the information you are viewing is 134 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


Banco Fortaleza Sociedad Anónima Av. Arce No, 2799 esq. CorderoLa Paz, Bolivia
Data approved: 2013-09-23
Data version: 2
Age of data: 134 months

Institution Details

Institution TypeBank
Is this institution regulated?Yes
Website address
Year established2002
Head of InstitutionNelson Hinojosa Jimenez
Regions activeChuquisaca , Cochabamba , La Paz , Oruro , Santa Cruz, Tarija
# Branches7

Total Portfolio (nat'l)BOB 1,120,213,180
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 165,957,508.10
Active clients with loans21,147
Approximate % female clients20% - 40%
Approximate % urban clients60% - 80%
Network affiliationsASOFIN

Loan Products » Summary

95 Borrowers
USD 499,392.15 Portfolio
2,823 Borrowers
USD 6,100,231.85 Portfolio
2,718 Borrowers
USD 14,907,731.41 Portfolio
2,690 Borrowers
USD 16,320,515.11 Portfolio
196 Borrowers
USD 2,015,204.89 Portfolio
530 Borrowers
USD 11,239,311.26 Portfolio
151 Borrowers
USD 2,703,121.78 Portfolio
2,546 Borrowers
USD 14,443,357.93 Portfolio
3,990 Borrowers
USD 32,908,317.33 Portfolio
4,344 Borrowers
USD 63,268,850.07 Portfolio
42 Borrowers
USD 113,868 Portfolio
1 Borrowers
USD 798.07 Portfolio
5 Borrowers
USD 10,081.63 Portfolio
Note: MFTransparency presents full data for active products with over 50 borrowers. Basic data is shown for lower volume products

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
Anticrédito Hoy BOB 15,000 - 140,000 25 - 62 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business, Activo Fijo Women, Men, Have business, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Dinero Hoy BOB 15,000 - 30,000 6 - 50 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Any Purpose Women, Men, Have business, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Linea de Credito Optima BOB 14,000 - 140,000 27 - 118 20% - 40% 60% - 80% Any Purpose Women, Men, Have business, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Crédito Tasa 0 BOB 1,440 - 35,000 24 - 61 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Ins
Crédito Capital Expreso BOB 70,000 - 350,000 5 - 69 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Ins
Crédito Hipotecario de Vivienda BOB 70,000 - 14,000,000 24 - 305 0% - 20% 60% - 80% Vivienda Women, Men, Have business, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Crédito Vehículo Nuevo BOB 40,000 - 700,000 49 - 98 20% - 40% 60% - 80% Uso particular compra vehiculo nuevo Women, Men, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Crédito de Consumo BOB 16,000 - 600,000 1 - 152 20% - 40% 60% - 80% Any Purpose Women, Men, Salaried worker Credit Ins
Crédito para Capital de Operaciones BOB 16,000 - 350,000 3 - 119 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Ins
Crédito para Capital de Inversión BOB 16,000 - 350,000 3 - 244 20% - 40% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Ins

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Anticrédito Hoy 20.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 20.1% 21% 96
Dinero Hoy 22.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 22.1% 22.9% 96
Linea de Credito Optima 21.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 21.7% 22.5% 96
Crédito Tasa 0 19.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 19.1% 20% 95
Crédito Capital Expreso 15.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 15.2% - 17.9% 16% - 20% 59
Crédito Hipotecario de Vivienda 11.0%-18.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 15.3% - 18.6% 16.4% - 19.5% 43
Crédito Vehículo Nuevo 12.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 12.1% 13% 62
Crédito de Consumo 17.0%-27.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 17.1% - 27.6% 18% - 28.4% 100
Crédito para Capital de Operaciones 18.0%-27.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 18.6% - 27.6% 19.5% - 28.4% 100
Crédito para Capital de Inversión 18.0%-27.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 18.1% - 27.6% 19% - 27.8% 100
Institution Price Graph
0100Pricing Transparency IndexRegulated Inst.Not Regulated Inst.BankInstitution TypeAnyBusinessOtherLoan PurposeFortalezaInstitutionBO-017-V02-P01BO-017-V02-P03BO-017-V02-P05BO-017-V02-P07BO-017-V02-P08BO-017-V02-P09BO-017-V02-P10BO-017-V02-P11BO-017-V02-P12BO-017-V02-P13ProductBOCountry2013YearRange Number2Institution Data Version050,000100,000150,000Loan Size (all)0%10%20%30%Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)> 40020020Number of Borrowers
Caps / Zoom options
Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
From 0 to