
Akiba Commercial Bank Plc PO Box 669Amani Place Building, Ohio StreetDar es Salaam255
Data approved: 2013-08-28
Data version: 1
Age of data: 139 months


People's Center for Sustainable Development Purok 3, ArimbayLegaspi City, Albay4500
Data approved: 2011-11-15
Data version: 1
Age of data: 162 months


Home Improvement Loans Product 4 of 7 « Prev | Next »


Livelihood Loan Product 1 of 1 « Prev | Next »

Product Summary

Number borrowers247
Loan Amount (range)TZS 500,000 - 20,000,000
Loan Term (range)3 - 12
Other Services (text summary)Credit Ins
Annual Interest & Method19.5% annual, Flat
Fees1.00% upfront 10,000.00 upfront
Insurance1.00% upfront
Comp DepN/A
Range of pricing 
Interest Price Component28.8% - 45.6%
Fee Component1.5% - 12.2%
Insurance Component0.8% - 12.8%
Tax Component Range0
Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)38.0% - 39.6%
Transparency Index (min/max)31 - 56
Transparency Index (average)50

Product Summary

PHP 1,000 - 60,000
1 - 12
Credit Educ, Credit Ins, Tech Asst Visits, Business Training, Other Training, Social Services, Spiritual formation (Bible study), Environmental projects - maintenance of forest park, tree planting, waste management, skills trainin
24.0%-36.0% annual, Flat
1.70%-2.00% upfront 1.70%-2.00% upfront
100.00 upfront 0.50%-1.00% upfront
2.0% upfront 100.00 ongoing
48.1% - 95.4% (Int+Fee)
9.1% - 103.0%
88.9% - 175.8%
14 - 27

Product Details

Key Statistics
Outstanding portfolio (TZS)TZS 696,570,261
Portfolio (USD)USD 438,094.50
Active Clients with Loans247
Approximate % Female Clients40% - 60%
Approximate % Urban Clients100%
Solidarity group
Village banking
Self help group
This is product target existing and well as new clients microentreprenuer for the purpose of improving living standard by improving or extending their housed/homes
Loan Purpose
Any purpose
Income generation
Consumer loan
Other household finance
OtherFor house renovation purpose
Other (2)
Included Services
Credit education
Group meetings
Credit insurancex
Workplace visits
Business training
Other training
Other (2)
No other services
Must run a businessx
Must own a home or landx
Must be a salaried worker
Must be specific age groupx
Other (2)
# Borrowers by Product
Portfolio Size by Product
Geographic Coverage
# Regions for this institution4
# Regions for this product4
Regions ActiveArusha, Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Kilimanjaro

Product Details

Key Statistics
Outstanding portfolio (PHP)PHP 7,000,000
Portfolio (USD)USD 167,464.11
Active Clients with Loans717
Approximate % Female Clients80% - 100%
Approximate % Urban Clients20% - 40%
Solidarity groupx
Village banking
Self help group
Loans extended to members for income-generating activities
Loan Purpose
Any purpose
Income generationx
Consumer loan
Other household finance
Other (2)
Included Services
Credit educationx
Group meetings
Credit insurancex
Workplace visitsx
Business trainingx
Other trainingx
OtherSocial Services, Spiritual formation (Bible study)
Other (2)Environmental projects - maintenance of forest park, tree planting, waste management, skills trainin
No other services
Must run a businessx
Must own a home or land
Must be a salaried worker
Must be specific age group
OtherHas no history of loan delinquency
Other (2)
# Borrowers by Product
Portfolio Size by Product
Geographic Coverage
# Regions for this institutionN/A
# Regions for this productN/A
Regions Active

Loan Conditions

Loan Amount
Minimum loan sizeTZS 500,000
Maximum loan size20,000,000
Distribution at Disbursement (Est.)
Loans less than TZS 350,0000
TZS 350,000-1,250,00010%
TZS 1,250,000-2,000,0005%
TZS 2,000,000-3,000,00020%
TZS 3,000,000-4,000,00015%
Greater than TZS 4,000,00015%
Loan Term and Grace Period
Shortest loan term3.0 months
Longest loan term12.0 months
Approx average12.0 months
Distribution at Disbursement (Est.)
Loans 3 months or less0
Between 4 and 6 months5%
Between 7 and 9 months5%
Between 10 and 12 months90%
Between 13 and 18 months0
Longer than 18 months0
Grace Period
Grace period usage0
Average grace period0
Repayment Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Every 4 weeks
Every 2 months
Every 6 months
Every 12 months
Single end payment
Irregular payments

Loan Conditions

Loan Amount
Minimum loan sizePHP 1,000
Maximum loan size60,000
Loan Term and Grace Period
Shortest loan term1.0 month
Longest loan term12.0 months
Approx average3.0 months
Grace Period
Grace period usage0
Average grace period0
Repayment Frequency
Every 2 weeksx
Every 4 weeks
Every 2 months
Every 6 months
Every 12 months
Single end payment
Irregular payments

Pricing Information

Lowest quoted nominal interest19.50%
Highest quoted nominal interest19.50%
Interest rate periodYearly
Interest Rate Calculation MethodFlat
Subsidized by funder request?No
Is rate fixed for entire loan termYes
Upfront Fees
Fee 1Fee 2
DescriptionSet up feeApplication Fee
% of loan amount - min1.00%0
% of loan amount - max1.00%0
OR, Fixed amount - min010,000
Fixed amount - max010,000
Reason for variationN/AN/A
Appears on Repayment Sched?NoNo
Ongoing Fees
This product has no ongoing fees
Upfront Insurance Fees
Ins 1
DescriptionInsurance Fee
% of loan amount - min1.00%
% of loan amount - max1.00%
OR, Fixed amount - min0
Fixed amount - max0
Reason for variationN/A
Appears on Repayment Sched?No
Ongoing Insurance Fees
This product has no ongoing insurance fees
Compulsory Deposit
Required forNever
Is deposit indicated on the repayment schedule?N/A
Do borrowers control deposit in their group?N/A
Deposit BEFORE or AT Disbursement
% loan amount depositedN/A
or, Fixed-amount depositedN/A
Deposits DURING period payments
% loan amount depositedN/A
or, Fixed-amount depositedN/A
Conditions on access to depositN/A
Interest Paid on Deposit
Minimum interest rate paidN/A
Maximum interest rate paidN/A
Interest payment frequencyN/A
Are taxes charged on this product?No

Pricing Information

Lowest quoted nominal interest2.00%
Highest quoted nominal interest3.00%
Reason(s) why interest rate variesLoan Size, Client Risk, Collateral, Loan Purpose, < 2000 - 2% 200001 - 350000 - 2.5% 35001 - 60,000 - 3%
Interest rate periodMonthly
Interest Rate Calculation MethodFlat
Subsidized by funder request?
Is rate fixed for entire loan termYes
Upfront Fees
Fee 1Fee 2
DescriptionService ChargeOrganizational Devt. Fund (ODF)
% of loan amount - min1.70%1.70%
% of loan amount - max2.00%2.00%
OR, Fixed amount - min00
Fixed amount - max00
Reason for variationN/AN/A
Appears on Repayment Sched?NoNo
Ongoing Fees
This product has no ongoing fees
Upfront Insurance Fees
Ins 1Ins 2
DescriptionPension Plan (per month)Loan Insurance
% of loan amount - min00.50%
% of loan amount - max01.00%
OR, Fixed amount - min1000
Fixed amount - max1000
Reason for variationN/AN/A
Appears on Repayment Sched?NoNo
Ongoing Insurance Fees
This product has no ongoing insurance fees
Compulsory Deposit
Required forSome
CriteriaIf loan is payable within 1 month, no retention fund detection
Is deposit indicated on the repayment schedule?Yes
Do borrowers control deposit in their group?
Deposit BEFORE or AT Disbursement
% loan amount deposited2.00% - N/A
or, Fixed-amount deposited0
Deposits DURING period payments
% loan amount deposited0
or, Fixed-amount depositedPHP 100 - N/A
Conditions on access to depositWhen Leaving
Interest Paid on Deposit
Minimum interest rate paid6.00%
Maximum interest rate paid6.00%
Interest payment frequencyAnnually
Are taxes charged on this product?No
Additional Comments
ODF - maximum amount of P5 per year per member. Used for expenses incurred during AGM, Christmas party and skills training. Mutual Benefit Fund Contribution - P25 x loan term in months; provides hospitalization allowance and death benefit (P2,-1,). CBU: 1 per month Interest rebates are given to those with good repayment record. Interest is recomputed based on diminishing balance. Loan insurance - .5% if less than 6 months, 1% if more than 6 months Interest is pre-deducted from the loan. Collection charge is collected from borrowers who do not voluntarily go to the PCSD office to remit their payment.

Full Pricing Data

Home Improvement Loans samples
Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6
Loan AmountTZS 1,000,000TZS 2,000,000TZS 3,000,000TZS 4,000,000TZS 5,000,000
Loan Cycle (1, 2, 3, etc)Not KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot Known
Disbursement Date2013-05-252013-05-062013-07-192013-07-222013-06-07
Loan Term (Months)12.0 months12.0 months10.0 months12.0 months12.0 months
Grace Period (Months)0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months
Total Cost of CreditTZS 225,541.68TZS 440,000TZS 557,500TZS 870,000TZS 1,085,000
True Price by Comp         
Interest price component33.7%33.6%33.4%33.6%33.7%
Fee Component3.9%2.9%3.0%2.4%2.4%
Insurance Component2.0%2.0%2.3%2.0%2.0%
Tax Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Deposit Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)39.6%38.5%38.7%38.0%38.1%
Transparency Index4951505151
Original Repayment SchedulePDFPDFPDFPDFPDF

Full Pricing Data

Livelihood Loan samples
Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5
Loan AmountPHP 3,000PHP 8,000PHP 15,000PHP 30,000PHP 60,000
Loan Cycle (1, 2, 3, etc)Not KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot Known
Disbursement Date2011-08-162011-07-182011-07-082011-07-282011-07-08
Loan Term (Months)3.0 months8.0 months3.3 months3.3 months3.3 months
Grace Period (Months)0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months0.0 months
Total Cost of CreditNot KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot Known
True Price by Comp         
Interest and Fee Component57.9%48.1%66.6%95.4%76.1%
Insurance Component103.0%52.9%24.2%15.7%9.1%
Tax Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Deposit Component14.9%13.4%4.9%5.4%3.7%
Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)175.8%114.4%95.7%116.6%88.9%
Transparency Index1421252127
Original Repayment SchedulePDFPDFPDFPDFPDF
Home Improvement Loans Price Graphs

Livelihood Loan Price Graphs

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Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
From 0 to