Please note that the information you are viewing is 145 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


EQUITY BANK Plot 390, Muteesa 1 RoadKatweKampalaPO Box 10184
Data approved: 2012-10-18
Data version: 2
Age of data: 145 months

Institution Details

Institution TypeBank
Is this institution regulated?Yes
Website address
Year established2008
Head of InstitutionFrancis Mills Robertson
Regions activeCentral, Eastern, Northern, Western, Southern
# Branches38

Total Portfolio (nat'l)UGX 143,130,000,000
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 57,252,004.13
Active clients with loans13,069
Approximate % female clients20% - 40%
Approximate % urban clients60% - 80%
Network affiliationsUganda Bankers Association, AMFIU

Loan Products » Summary

Retired Product
This institution does not currently offer microloans, reported to MFTransparency on 2012-10-18
Please note that the information you are viewing is 140 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


Seilanithih Limted No. 35, St. 360Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang IKhan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh
Data approved: 2013-04-02
Data version: 3
Age of data: 140 months


Consumption Loan (USD) Product 3 of 8 « Prev | Next »

This institution provided data on this product on 2010-09-22 and the product was no longer active when they submitted data on 2013-04-02.
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Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
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Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

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