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Azerbaijan Data Launch Presentation

Published on June 30, 2010

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Languages available: English

This webinar and Powerpoint PDF presents data analysis on the pricing data collected as part of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan. A full recording of the Azerbaijan Data Launch Webinar is presented below. It can also be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here. The data from the Transparent Pricing Initiative was launched in 2010.

The launch webinar includes the following details:

  • Pricing dynamics in the Azerbaijan microfinance market: Using actual pricing data collected from microfinance
    institutions in Azerbaijan and published on the MFTransparency website, MFTransparency pricing experts present their analysis of pricing of microloans in the context of the Azerbaijan microfinance market characteristics.
  • Training on transparent communication of prices to clients: MFTransparency COO of Global Programs Alexandra Fiorillo presents best practices for transparent communication of pricing to clients, through loan documentation, loan officer interactions with borrowers and price-setting decisions for maximum transparency. This training builds off of trends observed through the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan as well as MFTransparency’s experiences in microfinance markets internationally.
  • Discussion of the results of the Initiative: This virtual event provided a unique opportunity for stakeholders of the Azerbaijan microfinance market, as well as the international microfinance industry, to engage in discussing the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan. MFTransparency experts took questions and led the discussion on particular topics of interest.

MFTransparency would like to thank everyone who participated in the Azerbaijan Data Launch Webinar.  The session was well-attended and followed by a lively Question & Answer session. Participants in the webinar represented 14 different countries and a wide range of microfinance industry stakeholders.

View the Webinar

Please click below to view a recording of the webinar:

MFTransparency Azerbaijan Data Launch Webinar from MicroFinance Transparency on Vimeo.


MFTransparency would like to thank the Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association for all their support in this Initiative.

This partnership is featured in the June 2010 AMFA Newsletter, available for download here:

The Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan was sponsored by KfW

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