
Banco Agrario De Colombia S.A Carrera 8 No. 15-43Bogotà D.C, Cundomarca57
Data approved: 2011-03-15
Data version: 1
Age of data: 170 months


CONFIAR Cooperativa Financiera Calle 52 N° 49-40Medellin, Antioquia
Data approved: 2011-03-15
Data version: 1
Age of data: 170 months

Institution Details

Institution TypeBank
Is this institution regulated?Yes
Website address
Year established1999
Head of InstitutionFrancisco Estupiñán Heredia
Regions active
# Branches477

Total Portfolio (nat'l)COP 82,116,686,524
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 45,119,058.53
Active clients with loans64,236
Approximate % female clients60% - 80%
Approximate % urban clients80% - 100%
Network affiliations

Institution Details

Institution TypeCredit Union / Cooperative
Is this institution regulated?Yes
Website address
Year established1972
Head of InstitutionOswaldo Gómez
Regions active
# Branches37

Total Portfolio (nat'l)COP 311,910,000,000
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 171,379,120.90
Active clients with loans43,877
Approximate % female clients40% - 60%
Approximate % urban clients40% - 60%
Network affiliations

Loan Products » Summary

1,892 Borrowers
USD 1,451,235.43 Portfolio
3,317 Borrowers
USD 183,045.59 Portfolio
51,189 Borrowers
USD 38,304,614.64 Portfolio

Loan Products » Summary

421 Borrowers
1,393 Borrowers
USD 970,769.50 Portfolio
15,313 Borrowers
7,624 Borrowers
15,774 Borrowers
USD 51,609,128.83 Portfolio
3,031 Borrowers
USD 25,620,025.27 Portfolio
275 Borrowers
USD 3,793,406.59 Portfolio

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
Linea de Microcredito Agropecuario COP 500,000 - 6,000,000 4 - 36 40% - 60% 0% - 20% Business Women, Men, Have business Group Mtgs, Other Training, Educación financiera para niños y jóvenes a través de la creación del fomento de hábitos de ahorro, Formación a los clientes de los servicios de microcrédito y ahorro en componentes de desarrollo pers
Linea de Nucleos Solidarios COP 3,600,000 - 12,750,000 3 - 6 60% - 80% 80% - 100% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Educ, Group Mtgs, Business Training
Línea de Fortalecimiento COP 496,900 - 12,875,000 3 - 36 40% - 60% 80% - 100% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Educ, Group Mtgs, Business Training

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
Crédito Especial COP 258,000 - 5,869,000 1 - 60 0% 0% Any Purpose Women, Men
CrediAportes COP 258,000 - 8,569,000 6 - 36 40% - 60% 40% - 60% Any Purpose Women, Men, Debe ser Asociado de la Cooperativa. Credit Ins
Credifacil COP 267,800 - 34,814,000 6 - 60 0% 0% Any Purpose Women, Men
Microcredit Productivo COP 268,000 - 64,272,000 6 - 60 0% 0% Any Purpose Women, Men
Ordinario COP 535,600 - 38,625,000 6 - 60 40% - 60% 40% - 60% Any Purpose Women, Men Credit Ins
Vivienda de Interés Social VIS COP 7,000,000 - 57,845,000 60 - 144 40% - 60% 40% - 60% Business, Para compra o construcción de Vivienda Women, Men Credit Ins
Vivienda Especial COP 35,000,000 - 84,975,000 60 - 120 40% - 60% 40% - 60% Housing, Para compra o construcción de Vivienda., Activo Fijo Women, Men Credit Ins

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Linea de Microcredito Agropecuario 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 2 Fees 1 Ins None N/A 44.2% - 47.9% 44.9% - 48.6% 63
Linea de Nucleos Solidarios 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 1 Ins None 10.0% upfront 10.00% ongoing 36.8% - 50.2% 48.1% - 69.7% 49
Línea de Fortalecimiento 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 2 Fees 2 Ins None N/A 41.2% - 47.3% 47.2% - 50.3% 61

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Crédito Especial 7.3%-14.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None N/A 9.2% - 14.5% 11.5% - 14.7% 58
CrediAportes 11.0%-13.8% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins None 52,000.00 upfront 12.3% - 17.6% 12.5% - 18.8% 74
Credifacil 14.4%-15.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins None N/A 14.1% - 19.6% 14.1% - 20.9% 82
Microcredit Productivo 16.8%-24.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins None N/A 20.3% - 30.8% 20.3% - 37.1% 63
Ordinario 16.8%-18.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 1 Ins None 52,000.00 upfront 17.8% - 20% 18.2% - 21.6% 86
Vivienda de Interés Social VIS 12.4% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 2 Ins None 258,000.00 upfront 12.2% 12.7% - 13.5% 95
Vivienda Especial 15.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None 515,000.00 upfront 14% 14.9% 100

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Linea de Microcredito Agropecuario 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 2 Fees 1 Ins Ins None N/A 44.2% - 47.9% 44.9% - 48.6% 63
Linea de Nucleos Solidarios 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 1 Ins Ins None 10.0% upfront 10.00% ongoing 36.8% - 50.2% 48.1% - 69.7% 49
Línea de Fortalecimiento 29.6% annual, Decl Bal 2 Fees 2 Ins Ins None N/A 41.2% - 47.3% 47.2% - 50.3% 61

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Crédito Especial 7.3%-14.5% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins Ins None N/A 9.2% - 14.5% 11.5% - 14.7% 58
CrediAportes 11.0%-13.8% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins Ins None 52,000.00 upfront 12.3% - 17.6% 12.5% - 18.8% 74
Credifacil 14.4%-15.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins Ins None N/A 14.1% - 19.6% 14.1% - 20.9% 82
Microcredit Productivo 16.8%-24.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins Ins None N/A 20.3% - 30.8% 20.3% - 37.1% 63
Ordinario 16.8%-18.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 1 Ins Ins None 52,000.00 upfront 17.8% - 20% 18.2% - 21.6% 86
Vivienda de Interés Social VIS 12.4% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 2 Ins Ins None 258,000.00 upfront 12.2% 12.7% - 13.5% 95
Vivienda Especial 15.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins Ins None 515,000.00 upfront 14% 14.9% 100
Institution Price Graph
Institution Price Graph
Caps / Zoom options
Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
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N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

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