
CEPESIU Veintimilla E10-50 y Av. 12 de OctubreEdificio Quito 12 El Giron Torre W, PenthouseQuito, Pichincha
Data approved: 2010-11-22
Data version: 1
Age of data: 174 months


FUNDESAN BucaramangaBucaramanga
Data approved: 2011-08-01
Data version: 1
Age of data: 170 months

Institution Details

Institution TypeNon-Governmental Organization
Is this institution regulated?No
Website address
Year established1983
Head of InstitutionCecilia Padilla
Regions active
# Branches3

Total Portfolio (nat'l)USD 939,466.31
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 939,466.31
Active clients with loans2,011
Approximate % female clients40% - 60%
Approximate % urban clients60% - 80%
Network affiliations

Institution Details

Institution TypeNon-Governmental Organization
Is this institution regulated?No
Website address
Year established1974
Regions active
# Branches2

Total Portfolio (nat'l)COP 5,000,000,000
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 2,747,252.75
Active clients with loans2,800
Approximate % female clients40% - 60%
Approximate % urban clients60% - 80%
Network affiliations

Loan Products » Summary

166 Borrowers
USD 66,556.84 Portfolio
176 Borrowers
USD 157,302.20 Portfolio
1,612 Borrowers
USD 589,823 Portfolio
57 Borrowers
USD 125,784.24 Portfolio

Loan Products » Summary

500 Borrowers
USD 343,406.59 Portfolio
1,400 Borrowers
USD 989,010.99 Portfolio
100 Borrowers
USD 337,142.86 Portfolio
200 Borrowers
USD 302,197.80 Portfolio
200 Borrowers
USD 549,450.55 Portfolio

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
Programa de Crédito Directo USD 500 - 1,500 4 - 8 20% - 40% 0% - 20% Business Women, Men, Have business, Asociacion debe haber firmado convenio con Cepesiu, Producto dirigido a produccion agricola de ciclo corto Tech Asst Visits
Programa de Crédito Individual (PCI) USD 500 - 3,000 6 - 18 40% - 60% 80% - 100% Business Women, Men, Have business, Buena calificacion en la Central de Riesgos, Negocios establecidos un año Tech Asst Visits
Programa Grupo Solidario USD 200 - 1,500 4 - 18 60% - 80% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business, Buena calificacion en central de riesgos., Negocio funcionando 1 año. Tech Asst Visits
Sociedad Popular de Inversión SPI USD 300 - 10,000 4 - 24 40% - 60% 20% - 40% Business Women, Men, Estructuras financieras locales autogestionadas de credito, Minimo 4 meses de funcionamiento Tech Asst Visits, Cepesiu brinda asistencia tecnica con recursos no reembolsables

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
MICROEMPRESARIALES EN EL MUNICIPIO DE PIEDECUESTA COP 300,000 - 2,000,000 3 - 24 60% - 80% 40% - 60% Education Women, Men, Have business Credit Educ, Credit Ins, Tech Asst Visits
CREDITOS PARA TODOS IMEBU COP 300,000 - 7,000,000 3 - 36 60% - 80% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Educ, Credit Ins, Tech Asst Visits
Créditos superiores COP 3,000,000 - 20,000,000 12 - 36 20% - 40% 80% - 100% Business Women, Men Credit Educ, Credit Ins, Tech Asst Visits
HACIENDA PRODUCTIVA COP 2,000,000 - 7,000,000 12 - 36 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business Credit Educ, Credit Ins, Tech Asst Visits
IDESAN APOYA A LAS MIPYMES EN SANTANDER COP 2,000,000 - 20,000,000 12 - 48 40% - 60% 60% - 80% Business Women, Men, Have business

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Programa de Crédito Directo 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None 12.0% upfront 28.9% - 29% 32.9% 87
Programa de Crédito Individual (PCI) 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None 12.0% upfront 15.2% - 19.8% 15.2% - 25.2% 100
Programa Grupo Solidario 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None 12.0% upfront 19.8% - 24.8% 25.2% - 31.1% 97
Sociedad Popular de Inversión SPI 26.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None N/A 19% - 24.8% 19% - 24.8% 100

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
MICROEMPRESARIALES EN EL MUNICIPIO DE PIEDECUESTA 12.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins None N/A 16.6% - 21.1% 18.8% - 26.1% 53
CREDITOS PARA TODOS IMEBU 20.4% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 3 Ins None N/A 20.5% - 23.8% 21.8% - 27% 86
Créditos superiores 18.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 3 Ins None N/A 19.1% - 19.6% 20.2% - 21.2% 87
HACIENDA PRODUCTIVA 15.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins None N/A 18.2% - 19.8% 19.5% - 21.2% 74
IDESAN APOYA A LAS MIPYMES EN SANTANDER 21.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins None N/A 22.5% - 24.3% 23.5% - 25.8% 84

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Programa de Crédito Directo 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins Ins None 12.0% upfront 28.9% - 29% 32.9% 87
Programa de Crédito Individual (PCI) 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins Ins None 12.0% upfront 15.2% - 19.8% 15.2% - 25.2% 100
Programa Grupo Solidario 28.6% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins Ins None 12.0% upfront 19.8% - 24.8% 25.2% - 31.1% 97
Sociedad Popular de Inversión SPI 26.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins Ins None N/A 19% - 24.8% 19% - 24.8% 100

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
MICROEMPRESARIALES EN EL MUNICIPIO DE PIEDECUESTA 12.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins Ins None N/A 16.6% - 21.1% 18.8% - 26.1% 53
CREDITOS PARA TODOS IMEBU 20.4% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 3 Ins Ins None N/A 20.5% - 23.8% 21.8% - 27% 86
Créditos superiores 18.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 3 Ins Ins None N/A 19.1% - 19.6% 20.2% - 21.2% 87
HACIENDA PRODUCTIVA 15.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins Ins None N/A 18.2% - 19.8% 19.5% - 21.2% 74
IDESAN APOYA A LAS MIPYMES EN SANTANDER 21.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 2 Ins Ins None N/A 22.5% - 24.3% 23.5% - 25.8% 84
Institution Price Graph
0100Pricing Transparency IndexRegulated Inst.Not Regulated Inst.NGOInstitution TypeBusinessLoan PurposeCEPESIUInstitutionEC-004-V01-P01EC-004-V01-P02EC-004-V01-P03EC-004-V01-P04ProductECCountry2010YearRange Number1Institution Data Version01,0002,0003,0004,0005,000Loan Size (all)0%10%20%30%Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)> 80040040Number of Borrowers** Note: not all bubble sizes in this graph represent number of borrowers, as some samples do not have this data available. These bubbles are shown as a uniform small size. The pop-up text on each bubble will indicate the product scale and the sample scale.
Institution Price Graph
0100Pricing Transparency IndexRegulated Inst.Not Regulated Inst.NGOInstitution TypeBusinessEducationLoan PurposeFUNDESANInstitutionCO-025-V01-P01CO-025-V01-P02CO-025-V01-P03CO-025-V01-P04CO-025-V01-P05ProductCOCountry2011YearRange Number1Institution Data Version05,000,00010,000,00015,000,000Loan Size (all)0%10%20%Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)> 70030030Number of Borrowers** Note: not all bubble sizes in this graph represent number of borrowers, as some samples do not have this data available. These bubbles are shown as a uniform small size. The pop-up text on each bubble will indicate the product scale and the sample scale.
Caps / Zoom options
Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
From 0 to