Please note that the information you are viewing is 162 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


Amhara Credit and Savings Institution (ACSI) Head OfficeGonder road Kebele 10Bahir Dar, AmharaP O Box 417
Data approved: 2011-12-23
Data version: 1
Age of data: 162 months

Institution Details

Institution TypeNon Bank Financial Institution
Is this institution regulated?Yes
Website address
Year established1995
Head of InstitutionMr Mekonen Yelewemwessen
Regions active
# Branches229

Total Portfolio (nat'l)ETB 1,940,827,401
Total Portfolio (USD)USD 105,479,750.10
Active clients with loans694,993
Approximate % female clients60% - 80%
Approximate % urban clients0% - 20%
Network affiliationsAEMFI
FundersORDA Organisation for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara, Regional Government, Endeaveour, ADA Amhara Development Association

Loan Products » Summary

23,590 Borrowers
USD 6,555,691.90 Portfolio
8,562 Borrowers
USD 13,100,877.93 Portfolio
518,017 Borrowers
USD 66,456,177.50 Portfolio
129,504 Borrowers
USD 16,614,044.35 Portfolio
2,600 Borrowers
USD 445,311.36 Portfolio

Loan Products » Conditions

Product Name Loan Size Range Loan Term (months) % Female % Urban Loan Purpose Eligibility Other Services
Asset Loan ETB 1,000 - 15,000 12 - 36 60% - 80% 0% - 20% Housing, Consumer Women, Men, Salaried worker
Enterprise Loan ETB 5,001 - 10,000,000 12 - 60 60% - 80% 0% - 20% Business Women, Men, Have business
Group Loan - End Term ETB 150 - 3,000 6 - 12 60% - 80% 0% - 20% Business, Agriculture Women, Men Credit Educ, Group Mtgs, Credit Ins
Group Loan - Installments ETB 150 - 7,500 12 - 24 60% - 80% 0% - 20% Any Purpose Women, Men Credit Educ, Group Mtgs, Credit Ins
Technology Loan ETB 4,200 - 5,669 24 60% - 80% 0% - 20% Business, Agriculture Women, Men Credit Educ, Group Mtgs

Loan Products » Pricing Information

Product Name Annual Nominal Interest Fees Insurance Taxes Compulsory Deposit APR (int+fee) Full APR Transparency Index
Asset Loan 10.0%-13.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins None 5.0% upfront 12.9% - 13% 13.7% - 13.8% 73
Enterprise Loan 10.0%-13.0% annual, Decl Bal 1 Fee 0 Ins None N/A 10% - 13% 10% - 13% 88
Group Loan - End Term 18.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None 5.0% upfront 1.00% ongoing 18% 20.5% 88
Group Loan - Installments 15.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 1 Ins None 3.0% upfront 1.00% ongoing 14.9% - 15.1% 17% - 17.9% 85
Technology Loan 13.0% annual, Decl Bal 0 Fees 0 Ins None 3.0% upfront 0.30% ongoing 13% 13.4% - 13.5% 96
Institution Price Graph
0100Pricing Transparency IndexRegulated Inst.Not Regulated Inst.NBFIInstitution TypeAnyBusinessMultipleLoan PurposeACSIInstitutionET-002-V01-P01ET-002-V01-P02ET-002-V01-P03ET-002-V01-P04ET-002-V01-P05ProductETCountry2011YearRange Number1Institution Data Version05,00010,00015,000Loan Size (all)0%5%10%15%20%Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)> 250,000190,000120,00064,0007,100Number of Borrowers** Note: not all bubble sizes in this graph represent number of borrowers, as some samples do not have this data available. These bubbles are shown as a uniform small size. The pop-up text on each bubble will indicate the product scale and the sample scale.
Please note that the information you are viewing is 143 months old and may not represent the prices currently charged. If you represent this MFI and wish to update your information, click HERE


Angkor Microheranhvatho Kampuchea # 442, St. 193, Toul Svayprey 1ChamkarmornPhnom Penh, CambodiaPO Box 855
Data approved: 2013-04-26
Data version: 4
Age of data: 143 months


individual Inst ID (KHR) Product 7 of 16 « Prev | Next »

Product Details

Key Statistics
Outstanding portfolio (KHR)KHR 11,703,225,800
Portfolio (USD)USD 2,962,841.98
Active Clients with Loans5,079
Approximate % Female Clients80% - 100%
Approximate % Urban Clients0% - 20%
Individual Inst ID (KHR) is provided to all the clients, the installments are paid every month and the fee only at the disbursment.
Loan Purpose
Any purpose
Income generationx
Consumer loan
Other household finance
Other (2)
Included Services
Credit educationx
Group meetings
Credit insurance
Workplace visits
Business training
Other trainingx
Other (2)
No other services
Must run a businessx
Must own a home or landx
Must be a salaried worker
Must be specific age groupx
Other (2)
# Borrowers by Product
Portfolio Size by Product
Geographic Coverage
# Regions for this institution24
# Regions for this product24
Regions ActiveBanteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kampot, Kandal, Koh Kong, KepKratié, Mondulkiri , Oddar Meancheay, Pailin, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Preah Vihear, Pursat, Prey Veng, RatanakiriSiem Reap, Stung Treng, Svay Rieng, Takéo

Loan Conditions

Loan Amount
Minimum loan sizeKHR 400,000
Maximum loan size8,000,000
Distribution at Disbursement (Est.)
Loans less than KHR 1,000,0000
KHR 1,000,000-3,500,00050%
KHR 3,500,000-6,000,00030%
KHR 6,000,000-8,000,00020%
KHR 8,000,000-10,000,0000
Greater than KHR 10,000,0000
Loan Term and Grace Period
Shortest loan term3.0 months
Longest loan term18.0 months
Approx average12.0 months
Distribution at Disbursement (Est.)
Loans 3 months or less0
Between 4 and 6 months0
Between 7 and 9 months0
Between 10 and 12 months30%
Between 13 and 18 months70%
Longer than 18 months0
Grace Period
Grace period usage0
Average grace period0
Repayment Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Every 4 weeks
Every 2 months
Every 6 months
Every 12 months
Single end payment
Irregular payments

Pricing Information

Lowest quoted nominal interest2.30%
Highest quoted nominal interest3.00%
Reason(s) why interest rate variesBranch, Time as Client, Loan Size, Client Risk
Interest rate periodMonthly
Interest Rate Calculation MethodDecl Bal
Subsidized by funder request?No
Is rate fixed for entire loan termYes
Upfront Fees
Fee 1
DescriptionAdministration Fee
% of loan amount - min0.50%
% of loan amount - max0.50%
OR, Fixed amount - min0
Fixed amount - max0
Reason for variationN/A
Appears on Repayment Sched?No
Ongoing Fees
This product has no ongoing fees
Upfront Insurance Fees
This product has no upfront insurance fees
Ongoing Insurance Fees
This product has no ongoing insurance fees
Compulsory Deposit
Required forNever
Is deposit indicated on the repayment schedule?N/A
Do borrowers control deposit in their group?N/A
Deposit BEFORE or AT Disbursement
% loan amount depositedN/A
or, Fixed-amount depositedN/A
Deposits DURING period payments
% loan amount depositedN/A
or, Fixed-amount depositedN/A
Conditions on access to depositN/A
Interest Paid on Deposit
Minimum interest rate paidN/A
Maximum interest rate paidN/A
Interest payment frequencyN/A
Are taxes charged on this product?No
Additional Comments
We charge 3% from clients who borrow for less than 24 months and charge 2.5% for good clients with a term exceeding 24 months of loan. The grace period of 4 month is accepted for agriculture loans only. Maximum amount of 8 M KHR, the amount range above is real disbursed to clients.

Full Pricing Data

individual Inst ID (KHR) samples
Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5
Loan AmountKHR 1,000,000KHR 1,200,000KHR 2,500,000KHR 5,000,000KHR 7,000,000
Loan Cycle (1, 2, 3, etc)Not KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot KnownNot Known
Disbursement Date2013-03-292013-02-122013-03-272013-04-092013-03-20
Loan Term (Months)12.0 months12.0 months15.0 months18.0 months18.0 months
Grace Period (Months)-0.3 months-0.3 months-0.3 months0.2 months0.0 months
Total Cost of CreditKHR 194,200KHR 219,600KHR 540,700KHR 1,295,200KHR 1,785,000
True Price by Comp         
Interest price component36.0%33.6%32.4%31.2%31.2%
Fee Component1.1%1.0%0.9%0.7%0.8%
Insurance Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Tax Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Deposit Component0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)37.1%34.6%33.3%31.9%32.0%
Transparency Index7480838686
Original Repayment SchedulePDFPDFPDFPDFPDF
individual Inst ID (KHR) Price Graphs
0100Pricing Transparency IndexRegulated Inst.Not Regulated Inst.NBFIInstitution TypeBusinessLoan PurposeAMKInstitutionKH-002-V04-P07ProductKHCountry2013YearRange Number4Institution Data Version02,000,0004,000,0006,000,000Loan Size (all)0%10%20%30%40%Full APR (int fee ins tax dep)> 2,5001,9001,20060070Number of Borrowers
Caps / Zoom options
Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
From 0 to