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Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia, 2013

Published on March 14, 2013
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia
March 2013
MicroFinance Transparency
Promoting Transparent Pricing in the Microfinance Industry

We are pleased to announce the commencement of this year’s

Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia 

The Initiative promotes consumer protection in the microfinance industry by facilitating responsible and transparent pricing. Participants in the Initiative publicly disclose their standardized microloan prices on the MFTransparency website.

Microfinance Institutions in Cambodia are invited to join the Transparent Pricing Initiative by becoming transparent in their pricing, thereby proving their commitment to consumer protection, social performance and responsible microfinance.

Participating in the Initiative requires the completion of an excel-based questionnaire and the submission of client loan documentation as evidence. The participation process has been designed to take a minimum amount of time – typically less than 2 hours of a senior staff member’s time. We do not charge for this service but deliver the opportunity for you to adhere to this essential industry standard at no cost. The Initiative is delivered by MFTransparency in partnership with Planet Rating, and is funded by the Netherlands Platform for Microfinance.

All institutions participating in this Initiative receive the Seal of Transparency – an internationally recognized certification as a transparent microfinance institution. Gain recognition for your organization by promoting responsible microfinance – become a member of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia. 

Please view our website for more information: 

MFTransparency represents an industry movement toward transparent practices and responsible microfinance. We have organized transparent pricing efforts in nearly 30 countries on four continents, working with over 500 microfinance institutions.

Publicly disclosing the prices that borrowers pay for microloan products is now the standard, and expectation, of the microfinance industry. Join the other microfinance institutions in Cambodia who have already become transparent.

Please send any questions or your interest in participation to – we look forwards to hearing from you!


MicroFinance TransparencyEmail:


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